A short Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lesson:

Lie comfortably on your back with your knees bent. Turn your attention to your breathing (without making any conscious changes) and notice which parts of your body move as you breathe. Now turn your attention to your upper back and shoulders. How they are contacting the ground? Does one shoulder feel heavier, bigger, flatter, more pointed or comfortable than the other?
Start by rolling your head, gently and slowly one way, bring it back to the middle, and then roll it the other way. Just roll your head as far as it is easy and comfortable for you without force.
Repeat this rolling a few times to discover:
i. Which way do you roll your head first?
ii. How far can you roll effortlessly?
iii. Do you roll more easily, or further, one way than the other?
Now roll your head right, then centre, a number of times. What are your eyes doing? They will probably be moving in the same direction as your head. This is very normal.
Next, find a point on the ceiling. Keep your eyes on this point as you roll your head to the right a few times. This is an unusual movement, so take your time and move slowly.
Now try rolling your head right and turning your eyes left.
Again, just roll your head right and left letting your eyes move freely.
Again, ask yourself the questions above.
Did you notice a difference?